Fostering Unity through Prayers
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… pray to God
that daily ye may advance in spirituality,
that God’s love may be more and more manifested in you,
that the thoughts of your hearts may be purified,
and that your faces may be ever turned towards Him.
~ `Abdu’l-Baha
Some Baha'i PrayersInclusive and Flexible
In various settings, Bahá’ís are learning to bring together people of different faiths and backgrounds. They create environments where hearts are uplifted through prayers and sincere conversations, focused on practical actions to improve social conditions.
Community Focus
Establishing such a devotional culture in the community has the potential for profound collective transformation, proving trust and enduring relationships among people, and seeds the foundation for the institution of the House of Worship – a place of worship that belongs to and is open and welcoming of everyone.

The Universal Power of Prayer
Prayers, an essential element of religion, serve as the means to awaken, purify, and inspire individuals to endeavour to attain spiritual qualities, such as truthfulness, love, kindness, compassion, justice, forgiveness, and generosity, and to be concerned with the welfare of others in society. Prayer (worship) is integral to Bahá’í life, and together with the inseparable element of service, contributes to shaping a pattern of community life where one’s innate longing for spiritual growth and to serve and help others are manifested.
Revealed Prayers
Central to the devotional gatherings is the reading of passages from the holy scriptures of the Baha’i Faith, including the writings of Bahá’u’lláh, the Báb, and ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. Selections from other religious texts, such as the Bible, Quran, and Bhagavad Gita, may also be included, reflecting the Baha’i principle of the unity of all religions.
Music and Chanting
Music often plays an important role in Baha’i devotionals. This can include the singing of Bahá’í prayers and writings set to music, chanting, or instrumental music that helps create a reverent atmosphere.
Silence and Meditation
Periods of silence or meditation may be incorporated, allowing participants to reflect on the readings and prayers and connect inwardly with the divine.

Some Bahá'í Writings

More on Bahá'í devotionals
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