Building capacity for a life of service
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Let each morn be better than its eve
and each morrow richer than its yesterday. Man’s merit lieth in service and virtue and not in the pageantry of wealth and riches.
~ Bahá’u’lláh
The Baha'i program of learning is called
"Study Circles"

Our vision
Building a cohesive society and strengthening the nation’s social fabric cannot be accomplished through the scattered efforts of individuals or policies, no matter how devoted, well-thought, and well-meaning they may be.
What is also needed is a community that is unified in thought, purpose, and action. In any given community, the culture it promotes, the attitudes it fosters, and the patterns of thought and behaviour it cultivates, are largely defined by its members’ collective sense of purpose.

When that purpose is to be of service to others and to contribute to the betterment of society, the community becomes a setting in which powers are multiplied in unified action. Individual will and collective volition are blended due to the realization of the need for concerted action and a commitment to the common good.
The necessary qualities, values, skills, and capacities required for such meaningful interactions and dynamics of community life is explored and nurtured through the Training Institute (educational) programme.

The Institute carries out action and research in the field, learning to apply Baha’u’llah’s teachings to the life of society, in order to develop programs and materials that enhance the capacity of individuals and communities to serve their own neighbourhood.
When people from diverse backgrounds work together in initiatives that contribute to the material and spiritual progress of their neighborhoods, everyone becomes a potential protagonist of change, and the local population becomes resilient and is a source of strength for a community/nation.

More on the Bahá'í training programmes
But they may also come from any one of a number of educational backgrounds
with all the hope in their hearts that, through strenuous concerted effort, the world will change. Irrespective of particulars, they will, one and all, share in the desire to dedicate their time and energy, talents and abilities, to service to their communities. Many, when given the opportunity, will gladly devote a few years of their lives to the provision of spiritual education to the rising generations. In the young people of the world, then, lies a reservoir of capacity to transform society waiting to be tapped. And the release of this capacity should be regarded by every institute as a sacred charge.
~ Universal House of Justice

Find out more
Please provide us with more information so someone can be in touch and support you in finding out more about our training and capacity building activities.
Tel: +65 6222 6200
E-Mail: info@bahai.org.sg